3 Reasons Your Dog Won't Listen & How to Fix It!

Revealed: how to GET your dog to WANT to listen to you

so you can ditch the “icky” feelings and keep the dog!

In This Free Guide, You'll Learn:

  • What it takes to get your dog to understand what you want from them.

  • Why your dog's behavior is so unpredictable.

  • How to discover what your dog is trying to tell you.

  • Why a plan will help your dog learn much faster.

What Other's Are Saying After Getting The Guide...

"I love Amy's explanation of the miscommunication that is likely to be going on with many dog owners and their dogs - including mine!

She gives some good pointers as to where to start to communicate more effectively with your pooch & I'm excited to work thru this with my crazy romanian rescue."


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“We were terrified to take JD out in public until we met Amy. Now we can confidently take him anywhere without worrying what he might do!"

Richard & Alice

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"We would never be this far along in Izzy's complicated journey with out Amy's help.

Nanette & Doug

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Maggi, Rainey, Koko, Izzy, Mack & Peppi

"I love the methods Amy uses...A real relationship of trust and communication is what you and your dog will walk away with."


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Occy & Buddy


Hey! I'm Amy

I help frustrated families teach their dog to listen reliably so they can ditch the "icky" feelings due to "bad" dog behavior and keep their dog!

I understand the frustration of having a dog that doesn't listen, as I've been there myself. Even though I had gotten her at 13 weeks old, my dog Cricket had serious issues, with growling, barking and lunging at other dogs. I was not only embarrassed by her behavior, but I worried what she might actually do if she got off her leash. Adding insult to injury, initially, I made her behavior worse by not understanding her signals and resorting to correction to get her to stop.

Determined not to give up on Cricket and make her someone else's problem who might not treat her well, I resolved to find an answer. When I discovered the power of positive reinforcement...EVERYTHING changed!

Cricket transformed—no more growling, barking or lunging! Immediately, she became responsive and well-behaved. She learned so quickly it was like I had a magic wand. Ultimately I was able to confidently take her anywhere, even off-leash! Cricket went on to achieve a confirmation championship, excel in flyball and go to doggy daycare every day with me!

I'm excited to share the 3 reasons why dogs won't listen reliably, uncovered during my 40 plus years transforming dogs from unreliable, stressful and unenjoyable to dependable and delightful, in an exclusive PDF guide.

This resource will help you understand WHY your dog won't listen reliably, and what you can do to FIX it!

Ready to ditch those "icky" feelings without spending hours training or using correction methods and commands that don't work?

Join me inside for a positive change. See ya there!


How 2 Speak Dog

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